Ughhh... computers.
So, lately my computer hasn't been working. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA! I don't know what's wrong with it, but the screen just shuts off randomly for NO reason (its a iMac G5 so the screen&computer are one). However, for the past day or so its been working okay. Its not shutting off randomly, but I'm only using it in small intervals to make sure it doesn't happen again. So my fingers are crossed that it wont shut off in the middle of this post...
Since my computers been having issues, I haven't been able to post blogs, or videos in a long time! And I'm quite sad... I miss doing videos, but between computer issues and work, I haven't had time. :'[
As far as blogs go however, now that my computers working (I hope it stays that way), I want to try to post daily blogs. I think it would be fun, and maybe I'll gain some followers! :P
Today, I don't have much to talk about. I worked from 12-6pm... came home, ate dinner with the family, watched The Big Bang Theory, and now I'm here! Pretty boring right?
Well, besides that we got about 2in. of snow! Which is AWESOME! We've had maybe 1/2in all winter so far, which is super strange for Ohio. And I, being a lover of snow, am EXCITED! Tomorrow, my goal is to make a snowman... So we will see how that goes. I'll put up pictures if I get it done! :D